Contoh Essay LPDP 2022
Menulis esai adalah salah satu kelengkapan penting dalam pendaftaran beasiswa. Sebagai scholarship hunter pemula, terkadang kita merasa bingung untuk memulai. Bagaimana caranya membuat sebuah esai? Bagaimana cara menulis esai yang baik?
Berikut ini beberapa tips yang dapat kuberikan:
- Mulai dengan kerangka agar isi tulisan dapat terarah dan terorganisir dengan baik.
- Gunakan kerangka analisis seperti:
- STAR (Situation-Task-Action-Result),
- SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats),
- AREL (Argument-Reasoning-Evidence-Link back),
- TOWER (Think-Outline-Write-Eliminate-Review),
- GROW (Goal-Reality-Options-Way forward
- Mindmapping
- Berikan latar belakang masalah, namun jangan berlebihan.
- Pemberi beasiswa lebih ingin tahu bagaimana kamu memandang dan mengatasi sebuah masalah daripada berfokus pada masalah itu sendiri, maka fokuslah kepada solusi dan apa yang akan menjadi kontribusimu di masa depan.
- Akhiri esai dengan meyakinkan pemberi beasiswa mengapa kamu layak menjadi penerima beasiswa ini.
Berikut ini adalah contoh esaiku. Esai yang kubuat tentu saja jauh dari sempurna, namun aku berusaha untuk jujur dan orisinil sesuai dengan kekuatan, potensi, ataupun minat yang aku miliki. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menginspirasi!
Indonesia has an alarming literacy rate. The results of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) in 2006 regarding the reading ability of fourth graders showed that Indonesian students were ranked 41st out of 45 countries. It was also recorded that in 2015, the reading literacy achievement of Indonesian students was ranked 62nd out of 72 countries, (OECD, 2015). Furthermore, according to UNESCO, reading interest, especially among students in Indonesia, is still very low, reaching only 0.001%. It means, there is only 1 out of 1,000 Indonesians who is an avid readers. A study called “World’s Most Literate Nation” (WMLN) conducted by Central Connecticut State University in 2016 showed that Indonesia ranked 60 out of 61 countries, right under Thailand (59) and above Bostwana (61).
The low rate of literacy and reading is caused due to several factors such as proficiency, access, alternatives, and culture (Solihin, et al. 2019). According to Farid (2016), Indonesia has a higher commitment to improving access to books, compared to developed countries such as Korea or Germany. However, this has not been matched by any action to make libraries or reading fun and interesting. In addition, a family or environment that does not habituate reading from early childhood can also be one of the key factors why literacy in Indonesia is low. This becomes my concern because a lack of reading can lead to ignorance, communication difficulty, and even a lack of motivation, self-actualization, creativity and critical thinking skills (Witanto, 2018). Some of the real impacts of low literacy in Indonesia are the number of people who are easily provoked by or believe in hoaxes, high crime rates, poverty and school dropouts (Yunus, 2019).
In general, a low literacy rate is a global problem. It is why the UN targets literacy improvement by 2030 in the Sustainable Development Goals point 4.6. In line with the UN, the SDG roadmap formulated by Bappenas also states a similar goal. The SDG roadmap reveals the need to ameliorate the quality of education through technical assistance, planning and budgeting, and also optimization of resources. To realize this solution, Bappenas’ policy orientation for 2020-2030 has planned a curriculum that focuses on learning in the fields of mathematics, science, literacy, etc.
Literacy is essential to understand various information. Basic literacy allows us to read and write and it also becomes a path for other literacy. Effective literacy skills grant people access to knowledge and opportunities so that they can bring improvement to their life. In our increasingly complex and rapidly changing technological world, it is essential that individuals continuously expand their knowledge to keep up with the change. To address this challenge, many Indonesians are trying to learn new skills, take professional training or pursue higher education and they prefer to learn it abroad. However, before going abroad, foreign language fluency is a prerequisite and therefore, language learning plays an important role.
In my experience, I discovered literacy problems related to language learning that occurred in my students who are mostly adolescence. According to The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, language learners use methods obtained in the first language to construct meaning in the second language. Literacy development in the first language will also support literacy development for learning a second language. This is proven in the environment where I work as a German teacher. The students who cannot demonstrate good language literacy skills in Indonesian usually will have problems in making a logical sentence in German as well.
This is what prompted me to study Children's Literature and Literacy (CLL). I consider my finding at the workplace to be only the tip of the iceberg. Focusing on children’s literacy could be a part of the solution since literacy is a critical part of their development and will be useful throughout their life. When a child’s literacies are nurtured, it will develop their language ability and in the long term, they also help children excel in learning and facing real life.
The CLL program at the University of Glasgow (UOG) has a broad scope of topics and does not only focus on children's literature itself but also its implications for education and literacy, such as the development of critical awareness and evaluation with appropriate methodologies for research; reflection on the change of literacy practices and the impact on current pedagogical policy and strategy; and practice in dealing with complex issues related to the field. This programme will also allow me to take a literary and critical stance on well-loved texts, as well as to contemporary authors, investigate new developments in the production of texts for children, and understand recent theories of language and literacy development. In conclusion, I can not only learn to develop and understand literature products, but also the evaluation, policy, and strategy to improve literacy among children.
Another reason why I choose to study here is that UoG is the only university that focuses on both children’s literature and literacies. Furthermore, the UK stands in the top 20 high literacy rates nations and was the birthplace of distinguished children's literature writers, so this country can be a good example of developing literature and literacy.
There are five compulsory courses and one additional course that can be taken. My main interest lies in the course “reframing language, literature and literacies for 21st-century life”. This course is very compatible with my concern about literacy and language acquisition. In the course, I will examine children’s language development and acquisition. I also learn to understand the theoretical perspectives of language, literature and literacy and how they can be used to analyse literacy development in the family, school and wider community. I will also be examining case studies of children 's literacy and language learning and evaluating pedagogical strategies that will be appropriate for developing children's language and literacy.
Meanwhile, among the five optional courses, I will opt for the “developing literacy” class. The course will teach me to examine research, policy and legislation and their impact on learning and teaching and explore ways to promote effective learning. At the end of the course, I can practice a critical understanding of theories and how literacy can be developed across a range of curricular areas. I also can utilize theory and research to analyse policy and practice in Indonesia and hope to be able to propose possible improvements and strategies both in the policy and in the curriculum. I also wish that my study will be useful for developing literacy strategies that will be designed directly for the community and family.
I believe that the experience of studying abroad is also necessary to open several opportunities. Here I can find an international network with whom I can collaborate on projects and research and also broaden my knowledge of literacy across the world. Another possible opportunity is an internship in a literacy institution, where I can study it directly from a real case to understand how an institution deal with it.
By the end of my study, I already have a research plan in mind that I want to conduct, which is a study on how literacy affects second and third language acquisition among Indonesian and how to enhance it. I reckon that this topic is crucial since Indonesia has a very high demand for language learning and we are now living in a fast lane, where the requirement of the ability to adapt to globalization and the chance to meet people who come from different parts of the world and speak different languages gets higher. In the thesis, I want to delve deeper into the factors that cause this and also find the solution and strategy to resolve the problem. Hopefully, the solutions could come in handy for the fulfilment of the goals set by Bappenas.
As a graduate of the Children’s Literature and Literacies programme, there is a great space for initiatives in the fields of education, literacy and languages. My study is also prospective not only for the development of foreign language acquisition but also for the development of Indonesian language acquisition. This is important because the proper use of the Indonesian language through the years has been degraded. Moreover, Indonesian is not always the first language for people in Indonesia, making it a less widely spoken language. Learning the Indonesian language is critical so that people are able to appreciate the national culture and continue to preserve the national language, as stated in The Youth Pledge Hopefully, I also can use my knowledge to make an initiative to expedite or optimize literacy education so that people, especially children, can adapt well to the digital era. To realize this, I already have several plans which are divided into short, medium, and long-term targets.
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